Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Reactions of Gandhi and Subhas after latter's resignation

Gandhi also commented that Socialists also did not support Bose in the line of issuing ultimatum to the British. He went on the differences between ' me and the socialists are wide known ... but socialists are coming nearer to me every day' and of Nehru ; " there are certainly differences between Jawaharlal and me . But they are not significant. Without him I feel myself a crippled. he also feels more or less the same way.. Our hearts are one...."
Gandhi wondered whether any group or any one supported Bose in his call for ultimatum. He said that the Gandhians, Socialists, and Nehru were not with him. Bose won the election but in the question of
leadership in All India mass movement the majority choice is for Gandhi.  
Subhas Bose and those closely associated with him had suffered a major setback. But as Gandhi was later to say of Bose , was 'irrepressible ' .

Within a week of his resignation as Congress President , Bose announced Calcutta on May 3 the formation of another grouping within the Congress to be called the 'Forward Bloc'. He said that the object was to rally all the radical and anti-imperialist progressive elements in the country on the basis of a minimum programme , representing the greatest common agreement among radicals of all shades of opinions. While he formed the Forward Bloc , he thought that all the Socialists, communists, Royists, Kisan Sabha etc would join this bloc.
RabindranathTagore's Message To Netaji on his on his resignation ;
The dignity and forbearance which you have shown in the midst of a most aggravating situation has won my admiration and confidence in your leadership . The same perfect decorum has still to be maintained by Bengal for the sake of her own self-respect and thereby to help to turn your apparent defeat into a permanent victory.

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