Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Subhas Bose after his releas.

Subhas was becoming more widely known in Bengal and India even while he was serving his time in prison . Indeed , the prison term and the suffering he endured there contributed to his reputation.Anil Baran Roy told Jogesh  Chaatterjee, " Subhas Chandra is the rising sun of India".
Just before Subhas returned from his years in Burma and his months of recuperation in Shillong.
As an elected member of Council who have never his seat . Subhas Bose decided , against Doctor's advice, to enter the Council chambers and take 'the oath of allegiance to the crown' on Aug 23 1927, and, amidst cheers, he walked to his place with the Swarajists Party . Although the Legislative Council was not all a favourite forum for his political activity , Subhas Bose attended, somewhat, irregularly, though the next two-and a half years and was even re-elected in the spring of 1929.He participated actively in the question periods, demanding information about detenus and jail conditions.
The Indian National Congress held its annual meeting held in Madras at the end of December 1927. Bose was not able to attend, but sent a message which was read. Jawaharlal Nehru and Madras leader Srinivas Iyangar attended the meeting who worked for the passage of a resolution declring Complete Independence to be the goal of the Congress.To the surprise of the many , it was passed.
In the Spring of 1928, Subjas Bose was defeated by a Liberal ..B.K.Basu, for Mayor of Calcutta, thirty seven to forty six. J.M.Sengupta stepped down and had nominated Subhas with the backing of Calcutta Municipal Association. but a combination of Europeans, independents, Liberals, muslims and disgruntled Congress men voted against him.
Subhas Bose moved from province to province and delivered lectures impressing every one about the end of British rule.


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