[ bottom right] Roosevelt.

The Congress reiterated its objective in even clearer and stronger terms in the Ramgarh session in March 1940. The resolution adopted by it declared that "nothing short of complete independence can be accepted by the people of India"and they " alone can properly shape their own constitution."The resolution also held out threat of restoring civil disobedience ,"
On May 20, 1940, Pandit Nehru made an astounding statement in which he said, 'Launching a civil disobedience campaign at a time when Britain is engaged in life and death struggle would be an act derogatory to India's honour .' Similarly, the Mahatma said, ' we do not seek our Independence out of Britain's ruin. That is not the way of non-violence.'
The Working Committee which met at Wardha on 17-20 June 1940, was definitely opposed to the view of Gandhi , a resolution ran, 'at this critical phase in the history of man, that India should maintain armed forces ..against external aggression or internal disorder.'.
Gandhi once again regained his supremacy in the Congress . He did not make independence of India main issue or a side issue, declared Gandhi was not freedom of India but freedom of speech. He started Individual Satyagraha to achieve that. Gandhi began the campaign on 17 Oct 1940. by selecting one individual at a timeto go out in the street shouting anti war slogans and get dsrrested.
(Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill, KG, OM, CH, TD, DL, FRS, RA (30 November 1874 – 24 January 1965) was a British politicianwho was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955. Widely regarded as one of the greatest wartime leaders of the 20th century, Churchill was also an officer in the British Army, a historian, a writer (as Winston S. Churchill), and an artist. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature, and was the first person to be made an honorary citizen of the United States.)

On 8 August 1940, early in the Battle of Britain, the Viceroy of India, Lord Linlithgow, made the so-called August Offer, a fresh proposal promising the expansion of the Executive Council to include more Indians, the establishment of an advisory war council, giving full weight to minority opinion, and the recognition of Indians' right to frame their own constitution (after the end of the war). In return, it was hoped that all parties and communities in India would cooperate in Britain's war effort.
The declaration marked an important advance over the existing state of things, as it recognised at least the natural and inherent right of the people of the country to determine the form of their future constitution, and explicitly promised dominion status. However, The Congress Working Committee meeting at Wardha on August 21, 1940 rejected this offer, and asserted its demand for complete freedom from the imperial power. Gandhi viewed it as having widened the gulf between Nationalist India and the British ruler. It was also rejected by Muslim League. The Muslim League asserted that it would not be satisfied by anything short of partition of India.
The following proposals were put in:
- After the war a representative Indian body would be set up to frame a constitution for India.
- Viceroy's Executive Council would be expanded without delay.
- The minorities were assured that the government would not transfer power "to any system of government whose authority is directly denied by large and powerful elements in Indian national life."
Individual Satyagraha 1940-41 The Congress was in a confused state again after the August Offer. The radicals and leftists wanted to launch a mass Civil Disobedience Movement, but here Gandhi insisted on Individual Satyagraha. The Individual Satyagraha was not to seek independence but to affirm the right of speech. The other reason of this Satyagraha was that a mass movement may turn violent and he would not like to see the Great Britain embarrassed by such a situation. This view was conveyed to Lord Linlithgow by Gandhi when he met him on September 27, 1940. The non-violence was set as the centerpiece of Individual Satyagraha. This was done by carefully selecting the Satyagrahis. The first Satyagrahi selected was Acharya Vinoba Bhave, who was sent to Jail when he spoke against the war. Second Satyagrahi was Jawahar Lal Nehru. Third was Brahma Datt, one of the inmates of the Gandhi's Ashram. They all were sent to jails for violating the Defense of India Act. This was followed by a lot of other people. But since it was not a mass movement, it attracted little enthusiasm and in December 1940, Gandhi suspended the movement. The campaign started again in January 1941, this time, thousands of people joined and around 20 thousand people were arrested.
Significant modifications were made in the August Offer in 1942 in the form of Cripps Proposals.